A Window on the world of dynamic sport shooting: enter the Club Piano di Scatto
Piano di Scatto Atiro Targets, deals with passion and what is commonly called “IPSC Shooting” That is a very fun and stimulating type of shooting that is attracting more and more sportsmen in the world. We are the first fans of this discipline and precisely because we have seen so many shooting ranges, we have decided to dedicate this online space to the dynamic sport shooting.
Do you want to stay updated on the release of new products for dynamic sport shooting?
Would you like to listen to an interview with professional shooters?
Are you a fan of this world or are you / do you want to be part of a competitive association of dynamic sport shooting?
Here in our Club on dynamic sports shooting Club Piano di Scatto we will publish curiosities about equipment and shooters, events within the shooting ranges and information on the world of dynamic sports shooting. Those who are approaching this world will discover in our articles the 3 types of weapons that are usually used, Handgun, Shotgun and Rifle. But not only that: we will publish news and curiosities about the most used pistol models, those that are most successful and the latest models on the market. Dynamic sport shooting can be practiced with almost all short guns, with rifles and smoothbore shotguns, both fired and soft-air version. Springfield Armory XD-M Elite, Colt Python Revolver, Ruger 57 Pistol… No model has secrets for us and for this we will share reviews of the best models.
Piano di Scatto of Atiro Targets and for those who want to participate in competitions, will discover the disciplines of dynamic sports shooting divided into different specialties, starting from the Standard Shooting, necessary qualification for access to the Defensive, Operational, Sports, Home Defense, Dynamic shooting sectors Urban Defense and DMD Program.
So, are you in?